API 570 covers the inspection, rating, repair and alteration procedures for piping systems that have been in-service as well as their associated pressure relieving devices.

Our standard inspection services consist of, but not limited to, the following:

Piping/ pipeline assessment and recommendations performed by an API 570 certified inspector and qualified NDT technicians in the most appropriate inspection method chosen.

Complete overview of the integrity of the piping system including the recommended inspection interval, next inspection date and the remaining life based on pipe design, remaining wall thickness and relevant inspection codes.

Accurate and easy to interpret isometric drawings of the inspection area generated in CAD for the client to store and review when necessary.

  • Recommended action (repairs, re-rating, maintenance etc.) to bring the piping system into compliance with applicable inspection codes.

For a buried and insulated pipeline, we provide the most suitable solution without need for excavation of the entire pipeline or removal of insulation. Using Long-Range Guided Wave system, corrosion of pipelines in areas inaccessible for inspection by conventional NDT methods can be detected. Such areas as insulated and sleeved pipelines, pipes running under roads or elevated on pipe racks can be inspected remotely. Click here for details of LRUT inspection…

All findings are presented in an extensive and easy to understand report including detailed findings and a summary of recommendations.

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AST Inspectors Ltd is a home of integrity machines.
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